
I suffered from heavy periods and PMS symptoms for years. My only regret is that I didn’t get this procedure done sooner. Best decision ever.

Stop Heavy Bleeding?

For many women, period pain is just a part of life. At the Sholes Center for Women’s Health, we understand how debilitating period pain can truly be and we specialize in finding the best solution for heavy periods and irregular bleeding. If you experience excessive period pain and/or irregular bleeding, make a consultation appointment with us to help find a solution!


What defines a heavy period?

On average, a menstrual period should last around 5 days and occur every 24-28 days. Heavy periods have traditionally been defined as the loss of more than 80 ml of blood per menstrual period. Bleeding, however, can vary in length and volume from person to person. Currently, many insurance companies cover endometrial ablation procedures for women who define their monthly period as being heavy or who wish to be period free.

Your periods may be too heavy if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding that lasts longer than 5 days
  • Periods so heavy that they interfere with life and productivity at work
  • Low blood count/anemia due to excessive bleeding
  • Having to use more than one pad or tampon per hour
  • Having to change your pad or tampon during sleeping hours
  • Having to wear more than one pad at a time

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and have completed childbearing, please schedule a consultation appointment with the Sholes Center for Women’s Health so we can help you find the best solution for your heavy periods!

Why do heavy periods occur?

Heavy periods can be related to genetic predisposition or can be the result of one of the following medical conditions known to cause heavy periods:

  • Anemia or low blood count- can result from heavy bleeding but can subsequently make uterine bleeding worse.
  • Fibroids- abnormal non-cancerous growths that form in the uterine muscle.
  • Polyps- non-cancerous growths of the lining of the uterus (endometrium)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)- hormonal imbalance
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
  • Endometriosis- a condition in which endometrial tissue (the tissue that normally lines the walls of the uterus grows outside of the uterus.
  • Adenomyosis- a condition in which the endometrial glands grow into the muscle of the uterus.


How can endometrial ablations stop heavy periods?

Advanced Endometrial Ablation is the only minimally invasive procedure that stops heavy periods. While hysterectomy is a surgical procedure in which the entire uterus is removed, the endometrial ablation procedure focuses on gently removing the endometrium (the hormone sensitive lining of the uterus) which perpetually thickens and thins in response to fluctuation hormone levels. The break down of the endometrium can cause Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms such as bloating and fluid retention, headaches, mood swings, and fatigue. Unbalanced hormones can cause delays or changes of the menstrual process resulting in irregular or painful periods. The focus of the endometrial ablation is to gently remove the hormone-sensitive endometrium using approved techniques and surgical tools through the cervix. The procedure results in the termination or lightening of monthly periods and complete freedom from the symptoms associated with heavy and irregular bleeding as well as other gynecological conditions.

Dr. Sholes is well versed in DA approved techniques and methods of endometrial ablation including cryoblation, radiofrequency ablation and hydrothermal ablation and will safely remove the endometrium to completely terminate or lighten monthly periods!

Dr. Sholes is proud to offer personalized care for each of his patients and will always take the time to find the right solution for your needs. Known for his experience in minimally invasive gynecological procedures, he will take care to provide you with the most effective and painless solution possible so you can be back on your feet in no time!